Unix, Music, and Politics ... What was I thinking?

Two things have come from Berkeley: LSD and Unix. Coincidence?

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Tire Opinions

I've got my eye on a set of Bridgestone Dueler A/T 694 Revo's for my Hemi Ram. The awful Michelin LTX A/S factory tires have worn down after only 30K miles, and the thing is worse than Bambi on ice when bad weather comes around. I'm also moving up slightly from the stock size of P245/70-17 to the optional P265/70-17 size. This has to be done before pull a trailer and haul Scouts to summer camp in Colorado, so the tax refund is coming in at just the right time.

Anyone running the Revo's on your truck right now? Opinions?

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